Posts by Category


Paper Award at WASPAA 2021

Big congratulations to Yu Wang on receiving a WASPAA Special Best Paper Award for our paper co-written with Juan Pablo Bello and our collaborators at Adobe R...

Two Papers at ICASSP 2021

We have two new papers at ICASSP 2021 this year: “Few-Shot Continual Learning for Audio Classification” led by Yu Wang. This paper investigates how to exp...

New NSF grant and postdoc opening

We recently got a new NSF grant on spatial sound scene description, and thus we need a new postdoc at the NYU Music and Audio Research Lab.

SONYC-UST-V2 released

SONYC-UST-V2, the full dataset (inc. evaluation data) for DCASE Task 5 has been released on Zenodo.

DCASE Task 5 Results

DCASE Task 5 results have been posted. Thanks to all the teams that participated in the challenge!

Featured in NYTimes Article

We tracked the change in New York City noise during lockdown, and the work was featured in the NYTime’s Upshot.

Joining NJIT

I’m excited to announce that I will be joining New Jersey Institute of Technology as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Informatics in January 2021....

New NPR Story

I was interviewed again on NPR’s Here and Now! This time I was part of a larger piece regarding the uptick in online citizen science volunteering during the ...

Announcing DCASE Challenge 2020 Task 5

I’m excited to announce Task 5 of the DCASE 2020 Challenge: Urban Sound Tagging with Spatiotemporal Context. This task aims to investigate how spatiotempora...

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